Sports Hypnosis

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Hypnosis is a form of mental training and can, therefore, contribute to enhancing athletic execution. Sports hypnosis is used by athletes, coaches, and psychologists.
Although not referred to as hypnosis, professional athletes and teams have used an approach called guided imagery which is much similar to techniques used in sports hypnosis.
Hypnosis is one of several techniques that athletes may employ to accomplish their sporting goals and it is equally beneficial to coaches as well as athletes.
Hypnosis can do for the mind what physical activity does for the body of an athlete. Relaxation is key to improved sporting performance and athletes may perform better if they are able to relax mentally and focus on the task at hand.
Hypnosis can help athletes attain relaxation during practice and competition. Hypnosis may also help to control anxiety and manage stress in athletes.
Athletes may develop auto-response to preestablished stimuli which are geared towards achieving optimal performance levels.
Sports Hypnosis can also eliminate phobic responses, such as 'Trigger Freeze' in the Clay Pigeon Shooter, 'Target Panic' in the Archer and Fears of further injury in sportspeople following injury.
The impact of hypnosis on various aspects of sporting performance has been studied. Research has studied the role of hypnosis in enhancing basketball skills on flow-state and golf-putting performance, its impact on long-distance runners, on archery performance including "The Yips", and on flow states and short-serve in badminton.
The use of hypnosis in sports offers the following potential benefits that may help athletes handle personal challenges that would otherwise negatively affect sporting performance. Hypnosis:
Helps to reinforce established sporting goals
Aids athletes to better handle nervousness
Contributes to relaxation
Facilitates stress management
Increases concentration
Eliminates sports phobia responses
Provides the ability to eliminate distractions
Assists in controlling pain
Increases performance motivation.
Improves bodily awareness.

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